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Accueil  > Austrian Arbitration Yearbook 2007

Austrian Arbitration Yearbook 2007


Éditeur: Staempfli
Format: Livre Audio CD
Langue: Anglais
Parution: 05 - 2007
EAN: 9783727227356

CHF 128.00


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Résumé du livre

The Austrian Arbitration Yearbook is a collection of articles on domestic and international arbitration by leading Austrian practitioners. The 2007 edition of the Yearbook partly follows the modernization of the most important provisions of Austrian arbitration law through the new Austrian Arbitration Act which came into force as of 1 July 2006. Some of the articles analize the implications of the most significant legislative changes in Austria and also compare these with other arbitral regimes elsewhere in Europe and abroad. The Yearbook covers a number of areas of both topical and enduring importance such as: - Setting aside arbitration awards - Challenge of arbitrators - Treaty vs Contract Arbitration - National Hurdles to International Arbitration - Awards of Costs - Assistance to arbitrations from national courts