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Accueil  > Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2014

Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2014

Klausegger, Christian  

Éditeur: Staempfli
Format: Livre Audio CD
Langue: Anglais
Parution: 03 - 2014
EAN: 9783727277429

CHF 90.00


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Résumé du livre

The Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2014 is a collection of articles on international arbitration by leading practitioners. This edition focuses on topics related to the power of the arbitrator to revise and adapt the contract! for example in the context of price revision clauses! both from an American and Continental perspective and also in the light of public policy. Considering the new ICC rules! the enforceability of emergency arbitrators' decisions is another widely discussed topic covered by this edition of the Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration. Furthermore! this Yearbook takes an international look at arbitration! covering topical issues of central importance! including: ? Challenging foreign awards in Italy ? Witness preparation in international arbitration in the countries of the former Yugoslavia ? The relationship between EU and the BITs of its Member States The Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration is published annually.