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Accueil  > Complete Xhosa Beginner to Intermediate Course

Complete Xhosa Beginner to Intermediate Course

Kirsch, Beverley Skorgei, Silvia  

Éditeur: Teach Yourself
Format: Livre Audio CD
Langue: Anglais
Parution: 12 - 2010
EAN: 9781444105827
Dimensions: 139 x 192 x 15 mm

CHF 57.80

2 à 3 semaines

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Résumé du livre

Informationen zum Autor Beverley Kirsch has taught Xhosa at the medical schools of the Universities of Cape Town and Stellenbosch as well as at various multinational companies and various other institutions. Silvia Skorge, linguist, was Associate Professor in the Department of German at the University of the Western Cape and has been involved in producing textbooks in several other languages. Sindiwe Magona, one of South Africa's well-known contemporary authors, taught Xhosa at school and university level until she took up a position at the United Nations in New York in the 1980s. Theresa Soci is an experienced Xhosa teacher and translator. Their collaboration spans more than 25 years. Klappentext The best-selling complete course for a fun and effective way to learn Xhosa. This ISBN is for the audio support component. The corresponding paperback book (ISBN: 9781444105803) is also available. The book and audio support can also be purchased as a pack (ISBN: 9781444105810). The best-selling complete course for a fun and effective way to learn Xhosa. This ISBN is for the audio support component. The corresponding paperback book (ISBN: 9781444105803) is also available. The book and audio support can also be purchased as a pack (ISBN: 9781444105810). Zusammenfassung The best-selling complete course for a fun and effective way to learn Xhosa. This ISBN is for the audio support component. The corresponding paperback book (ISBN: 9781444105803) is also available. The book and audio support can also be purchased as a pack (ISBN: 9781444105810). Inhaltsverzeichnis : Introduction01: Getting acquainted on an aeroplane02: Meeting again at the Murrays' home03: Knowing how to speak Xhosa04: Speaking about work05: How do you like your coffee?06: Are you warm enough?07: Jenny at work - Let's speak Xhosa08: Thandi at work - 'I am Dr Thamsanqa'09: Peter at work at Kirstenbosch10: Themba at work - an interview11: May I speak to Mr Thamsanqa?12: At the cricket match13: Let's go to that new restaurant!14: Buying clothes and African arts and crafts15: Travel woes16: Xhosa heritage trail: Translations of the dialogues: Key to the exercises: Xhosa-English vocabulary: English-Xhosa vocabulary: Bibliography: Index...