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Accueil  > Intellectual Property in Switzerland

Intellectual Property in Switzerland

Dessemontet, François  

Éditeur: Stämpfli
Format: Livre Audio CD
Langue: Anglais
Parution: 05 - 2012
Nombre de pages: 226
EAN: 9783727277047

CHF 88.00


Résumé du livre

Derived from the renowned multi-volume 'International Encyclopaedia of Laws'! this monograph provides a survey and analysis of the rules concerning intellectual property rights in Switzerland It covers every type of intellectual property right in depth - copyright and neighbouring rights! patents! utility models! trademarks! trade names! industrial designs! plant variety protec-tion! chip protection! trade secrets! and confidential information. Particular attention is paid throughout to recent developments and trends. The analysis approaches each right in terms of its sources in law and in legislation! and proceeds to such legal issues as subject matter of protection! conditions of protection! ownership! transfer of rights! licences! scope of exclusive rights! limitations! exemptions! duration of protection! infringement! available remedies! and overlapping with other intellectual property rights.The book provides a clear overview of intellectual property legislation and policy! and at the same time offers practical guid-ance on which sound preliminary decisions may be based. Lawyers representing parties with interests in Switzerland will welcome this very useful guide! and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative intellectual property law.