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Accueil  > International and domestic arbitration in Switzerland

International and domestic arbitration in Switzerland

3e édition

B. Berger - F. Kellerhals  

Éditeur: Stämpfli
Format: Livre Audio CD
Langue: Anglais
Parution: 01 - 2015
EAN: 9783727277535

CHF 298.00


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Résumé du livre

The previous editions of this book have established themselves among the leading authorities on Swiss arbitration law. This fully revised and amended Third Edition provides up-to-date information on the law and practice of international and domestic arbitration in Switzerland. The book provides a comprehensive analysis of all relevant aspects of international and domestic arbitration in Switzerland! addressing all major issues! including the concept and sources of arbitration! arbitrability! the arbitration agreement! competence-competence and the autonomy of the arbitration agreement! the arbitral tribunal! the arbitral procedure! the arbitral award! setting aside proceedings against the award and the enforcement of arbitral awards! including the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. Frequently referred to by the Swiss Federal Supreme Court in its case law! the book is an indispensable tool for legal scholars conducting an in-depth analysis of a controversial issue. At the same time! it is an invaluable and user-friendly source of information and reference for arbitration practitioners in Switzerland and abroad. The book's appendices contain useful additional materials! including a detailed table of cases and a most accurate translation of the provisions on arbitration of the Swiss Code of Civil Procedure and the Swiss Statute on Private International Law.