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Accueil  > Selected Papers on International Arbitration

Selected Papers on International Arbitration

Volume 3

Favalli Daniele  

Éditeur: Staempfli
Format: Livre Audio CD
Langue: Anglais
Parution: 11 - 2013
EAN: 9783727231025

CHF 78.00


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Résumé du livre

The SAA Series on International Arbitration contains the best graduation papers of all participants who successfully completed the post graduate studies in international arbitration of the SAA Swiss Arbitration Academy. The papers cover different aspects of international arbitration. The SAA Series is published on a yearly basis. The Swiss Arbitration Academy is a private institution founded and managed by the editors. Each year! the SAA offers and conducts an intensive and practical course in international arbitration. The training is designed for lawyers! in-house counsel! and other professionals interested in cutting edge international dispute resolution education. All participants! who successfully complete the course! which includes the submission of the final paper! are awarded the SAA Certificate and the title Arbitration Practitioner ArbP.