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Accueil  > The Goodnight Book for Moms and Little Ones

The Goodnight Book for Moms and Little Ones

Wong, Alice (EDT) Tabori, Lena (EDT)  

Éditeur: Random House USA
Format: Livre Relié
Langue: Anglais
Parution: 07 - 2010
Nombre de pages: 224
EAN: 9781599620848

CHF 21.00

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Résumé du livre

Zusatztext "United around a theme of nightime and sleep! the stories and poems portray a comforting! peaceful world. In case the reading doesn't do the trick! there are also relaxation exercises and recipes for comfort foods. In short! this little volume contains everything you need to insure sweet sleep for grandchildren." - About .com! Susan Adcox "[ The Goodnight Book for Moms and Little Ones ] offers a surprising amount of material perfect for easing the often-difficult transition from day to night...[a] chubby little treasure." - Bookpage "A priceless collection...a beautiful bedtime sampler of songs! poems! stories! and ideas to help send a little one to sound! refreshing sleep...the perfect gift for new parents everywhere." - Midwest Book Review "I highly recommend The Goodnight Book for Moms and Little Ones from Welcome Books. (Its great for dads too)...What a wonderful baby gift this book would be for a new mama!" Informationen zum Autor Lena Tabori is publisher of Welcome Books. She has conceived and edited numerous books! including The Little Big Book for Moms ! and Love: A Celebration in Art and Literature (STC). Her two daughters are partners at Welcome Books.   Alice Wong is project director at Welcome Books. She has conceived! produced! or edited numerous titles! including many from the Little Big Book series! including Moms ! Boys ! and Girls. Klappentext The Goodnight Book for Moms and Little Ones is filled with stories to read! songs to sing! poetry to inspire! activities to delight! recipes to soothe! and prayers to calm. Perfect snuggling material for moms and little ones! this magical book is sure to guarantee a love of bedtime and sweet! sweet dreams. The Goodnight Book for Moms and Little Ones includes: Literary Excerpts: Ten excerpts relating to sleep! stars! and dreams from beloved children's classics. In Charlotte's Web! Charlotte sings Wilbur to sleep; in Mary Poppins! she glues stars to the sky; and in James and the Giant Peach! James falls asleep in the web hammock under the soft light of a glowworm. Tales & Legends: Fourteen stories from Sleeping Beauty and Rip Van Winkle to creation tales of the moon and stars from different cultures. Songs: Ten songs and lullabies! including "Dream a Little Dream of Me!" "Goodnight" by Lennon and McCartney! and "Hush! Little Baby." Poetry: Fourteen poems! including "The Land of Nod" by Robert Louis Stevenson! "Is the Moon Tired?" by Christina Rossetti! and "Afraid of the Dark" by Shel Silverstein. Activities: Twenty activities to make bedtime easier (sleep-inducing sachets! clothespin guardian angels! relaxation exercises) and enjoyable (glow-in-the-dark sleep shirt! galactic mobile! hibernating beanbag bear). Recipes: Twelve recipes combining sleep-inducing ingredients for dinners and before-bedtime snacks as well as dreamy sweets like Full Moon Cookies! Overnight Surprise Cookies! and Soothing Smoothies. Prayers: Ten bedtime prayers from various cultures and faiths. Zusammenfassung This volume is filled with stories to read! songs to sing! poetry to inspire! activities to delight! recipes to soothe! and prayers to calm. This magical book is sure to guarantee a love of bedtime and sweet! sweet dreams. Full color. ...