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Accueil  > The Judiciary between Management and the Rule of Law

The Judiciary between Management and the Rule of Law

Lienhard, Andrea  

Éditeur: Staempfli
Format: Livre Audio CD
Langue: Anglais
Parution: 08 - 2016
EAN: 9783727276767

CHF 107.00


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Résumé du livre


This publication presents the consolidated results of the interdisciplinary research project «Basic Research into Court Management in Switzerland»! which was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. It contains contributions relating to key areas in the organisation of the judicial system. It considers fundamental questions of constitutional and political importance relating to supervision and the protection of personal privacy! and also includes research findings on the environment in which the judiciary operates and on its resources! with a focus on caseload management. Furthermore! it tackles the issues of quality in the work of the courts! their organisation and the image of judges and court culture in general. The publication concludes with an appraisal of the results and by identifying the areas where further research may be required.

This publication presents the consolidated results of the interdisciplinary research project «Basic Research into Court Management in Switzerland»! which was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. It contains contributions relating to key areas in the organisation of the judicial system. It considers fundamental questions of constitutional and political importance relating to supervision and the protection of personal privacy! and also includes research findings on the environment in which the judiciary operates and on its resources! with a focus on caseload management. Furthermore! it tackles the issues of quality in the work of the courts! their organisation and the image of judges and court culture in general. The publication concludes with an appraisal of the results and by identifying the areas where further research may be required.